
Wake up, Australia! Our good luck is running out

Australia is in a rut: becoming older, flabbier and less nimble to play to the conditions.
The nation is getting more expensive to run, invest in and house, revealed by a bulging and indebted state, an overly regulated private sector, threats of capital flight and the punitive cost of homes.

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Leaders must stop slide towards ‘unlucky country’

In a week when the Albanese government slash, shifted the nation closer towards the planned economy favoured by the left, which seems incapable of understanding the process of wealth creation, the Business Council of Australia pressed ahead with its drive to encourage government to overhaul economic policy to encourage productivity improvements.

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Why invest in Australia?

It says something about national smugness when the feelings of the ‘Jidirah Spirit Whale’, which tells all the fish in the sea what to eat, when to mate, and where to migrate, overrides an $18.7 billion Woodside offshore gas project with the capacity to power 8.5 million homes for 30 years.

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Business as usual will ruin us

Australia is confronted by three big changes in our strategic circumstances that are making our steady-as-you-go approaches to security and economic development untenable.

We face a markedly increased risk of war in the Indo-Pacific; the global economy is restructuring rapidly in adverse ways; and the Australian economy has stalled with essentially zero productivity growth, declining international competitiveness and a flight of much-needed investment.

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