
Woodsmith Mine development on target, say owners Anglo American

Progress is being made in line with a revised development plan for the multimillion-pound Woodsmith Project, says the company behind it. The low carbon fertiliser is being marketed as a means for farmers to increase yields, improve crop quality and enhance soil health. And in this latest update Anglo said “dislocation” in the global fertiliser market during the first half of the year had caused price increases and availability issues which creates an opportunity for the Crop Nutrients business. Anglo said: “Prices are expected to remain firm and above historical levels for the foreseeable future, as supply restrictions and high energy and manufacturing costs continue. Many countries are re-assessing their sourcing of fertiliser and agricultural products as they seek greater reliability of supply while also encouraging more efficient fertiliser use, driving innovation, and supporting more sustainable crop solutions.”

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“It’s important to note that Australia is foot-and-mouth disease-free, that our products continue to be available to the world. The disease is highly contagious and affects cattle, sheep, goats, camelids, deer and pigs. GINA Rinehart says more money needs to be spent on a ramped-up biosecurity response to the Indonesian foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) outbreak to protect Australian livestock from getting infected.

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Rinehart’s foot and mouth anger

Gina Rinehart says more money needs to be spent on a ramped-up biosecurity response to the Indonesian foot-and-mouth disease outbreak to protect Australian livestock from getting infected.“All practical options need to be urgently considered as we do not want to regret too little action as it will be too late once the disease is in Australia.” The opposition has increased its calls for Australia to close its borders to Indonesia until the spread of the virus is under control. Installation of sanitation foot mats at airports with Indonesian flights would be completed on Tuesday, the Albanese government said, but border Force officials are only individually screening the most high-risk passengers despite calls from farm lobby groups for 100 per cent screening.

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PM must learn the art of how to manage in a crisis

Mr Albanese will be held to account on economy and foot-and-mouth. If foot-and-mouth makes its way to Australia it will devastate our grazing industry, immediately cut exports and send prices soaring for all consumers. The cost of an outbreak has been estimated at $80bn across 10 years. Gina Rinehart, as towering a figure in agriculture as she is in iron ore, says an outbreak would put more than 65 per cent of the nation’s export markets at risk. Like the rest of the industry, Ms Rinehart is calling on the government to overreact rather than be faced with the regret of having been too slow should the worst happen.

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Gina Rinehart calls for action on foot and mouth disease

Gina Rinehart says more money needs to be spent on a ramped-up biosecurity response to the Indonesian foot-and-mouth disease outbreak to protect Australian livestock from getting infected. “Money needs to be spent now, where it will actually reduce the problem, not in telling farmers not to worry,” she said. “All practical options need to be urgently considered as we do not want to regret too little action as it will be too late once the disease is in Australia.”

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Low iron is a health risk made worse by COVID-19. How to get more without supplements

“Beauty is an iron mine,” once remarked the Australian mining magnate Gina Rinehart. She was talking about a precious resource, but iron is also profoundly important to living organisms – from bacteria and fungi, to mammals like us. Iron acts as a key to numerous metabolic functions within our bodies. But iron deficiency remains as one of the top global health risks recognised by the World Health Organisation. Iron deficiency has become the most prevalent micronutrient disorder worldwide, and COVID-19 may be worsening the problem.

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Des Houghton: Katter’s right, we need more dams, more mines and more gas

We Australians are living in a fool’s paradise when we let water that could be nourishing cattle and food crops flow wastefully into the ocean. We are already producing the world’s best beef thanks to outstanding companies like Stockyard, AAco, Stanbroke, and Gina Rinehart’s Hancock Agriculture. With more dams, more mines and more gas, Australia could become a food and energy superpower.

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Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has exploded our renewables myth

The devastating Russian invasion of Ukraine has captured global ­attention. While the world’s focus is rightly on the human toll and suffering, the crisis has highlighted the need to end reliance on Russian oil and gas. To achieve that ambition, we must be pragmatic and invest in sensible alternatives, not engage in wishful thinking about renewable energy.

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